Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27

Journal - What are you weekend plans? - im not sure what im doing this weekend. today im leaving early to go to a concert with some friends and that should be pretty fun. i've heard some of the bands are mind numbing though i still don't know who's actually going. That should take up all of my friday. On saturday ill get back early early morning and probably sleep a lot. ill wake up around 1ish and play some GTA 5 and then ill pry head over to a buddies house and chill there for the night. on sunday my mom comes back from paris so im gonna clean the house before she gets here and then try to avoid her all day. that would be the best option because she'll be cranky and angry im missing school for a concert. i expect sunday to be full of yelling and anger but that's okay because she has anger issues and im used to it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday September 11

Who do you look up to in life? Why? What have they done to help you or guide you? - well i believe i can honestly say i don't look up to anyone. in my life there really hasn't been anyone to look up to because im a very individual person and i've never liked it when others views clouded my own so i never looked up to anyone. plus no one was ever worth looking up to.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September Tuesday 10

What is good email etiquette and why is it essential in the "real" world? How can having good email etiquette put you ahead? - it is essential to have good email etiquette because now a days everything is done electronically. you don't really send mail anymore relaying messages. i mean who would when you can email someone and get a reply back the same day? while as mail is still used for checks and other documents it has become an inefficient way to communicate. so when it comes to a professional email you would need proper etiquette because like a letter no one wants to read a "handwritten mess" if it's prim and proper, and the layout is correct it is certainly much easier to read. with emails you don't have to worry about your handwritting because everything is typeprint. and this is why good email etiquette is required to write a proper email.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday September 6

If there was one big global issue in the world that you could fix, what would it be? A cure for cancer? Save the rain forest? Stop pollution? Think about it and then write about it. Why would you choose that specific issue? - i would probably try to fix global warming. it seems that everyday you hear more and more about global warming and how it's effecting us and the ozone layers and the earth in general. while as it does not matter to me whether global warming is fixed in my lifetime it might matter to my sons sons sons sons. 400 years from now either the world will cease to exist as we know it due to yellow stone, a meteor, or global warming. and while as you can't fix yellow stone or a meteor you can attempt to not stop, but slow down the inevitable effects of global warming. so that's why i would try to slow the process of global warming.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday September 3

On Friday we discussed Public Service Announcements. In your own words tell me what they are and what their purpose is. If you could create a PSA what would your topic be? Why?- a PSA is a public service announcement. A PSA is used to spread awareness on something that needs fixed. such as child soldiers or dying dogs or other things like that. Those commercials you see all the time on the TV about dying dogs and stuff is by A.S.A.P.A. PSA's are important because it gives an oppurtunity to support and help. while reading the newspaper you see articles about all of it and due to PSA's you can help.