What is your
full name? Carl Peter Wallace
When are where were you born? Beloit Memorial Hospital-Beloit Wisconsin
3. What
is your earliest childhood memory? Not
Sure how old (3 or 4) but went to hospital to get large sliver removed from
4. What
kind of games did you play growing up?
Loved to be outside and loved sports.
Played the usual football, baseball, basketball from very early on (had
two older brothers). When inside I remember always wanting to play The Game of
Life, Monopoly and several card games.
5. What
was your favorite thing to do for fun (movies, beach, etc.)? This one is easy-loved to go fishing.
6. What
school activities and sports did you participate in? I played basketball in grade school and Wrestled in high school. In
high school I participated in both FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America and
DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America)
7. Who
were your childhood heroes? Roger
Staubach, quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys.
Can’t really think of another “hero” other than the usual dad, police
man or firefighter
8. How
is the world today different from what it was like when you were a child? Too much to mention.
Are there any physical characteristics that run
in your family? Well, I would say hair is scarce.
10. Where
and when did you get married? 4/20/1991
at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Greenfield, Wisconsin
11. What
memory stands out the most from your wedding day? There are several but the one
that is least typical is that the limo driver had a broken leg and was in a
full cast.
12. Why
did you choose your children's names? I
chose the oldest and got the idea from a nickname on a television show and when
I heard the real name thought the combo was great. My second child’s name was chosen after
narrowing it down from a few and my wife making the final decision.
13. What
was your proudest moment as a parent? There
are several “proudest” moments with each child.
They are continual as each has grown.
However, if I had to pick one it would simply be the birth of each of my
daughters and being in the delivery room.
Being able to make the phone call to announce the new is a special
14. What
was your profession and how did you choose it? I am a General Sales Manager for an automobile dealership. How I chose it was by accident. After graduating from college, I wanted to
move to one of a couple larger cities that I had friends in and were somewhat
near my home. Needing to make money I took the first thing that came a long and
have advanced along the way. Too much time has passed to make a change.
What accomplishments were you the most proud of? I am assuming this questions is asking
about accomplishments from my childhood or high school years. The one that comes to mind first is my success
in a large invitational Judo tournament.
Won first place in my bracket.
16. Of all
the things you learned from your parents, which do you feel was the most
valuable? Doing what you know is the right
thing no matter the outcome. I know this is really a blanket statement but it
is the most valuable.
Are there any special heirlooms, photos, bibles
or other memorabilia that have been passed down in your family? My parents are still alive so I am taking
this question as meaning being passed down from my grandparents or before. In
this case, not really. Other than an
antique mirror, silverware and a couple other items (a few books and pictures),
I can’t think of much.
18. Who
was the oldest relative you remember as a child? What do you remember about
them? Either my grandfather on my mom’s
side or my dad’s aunt. I remember my grandfather was a great gardener and
pretty handy. As for my dad’s aunt, she
lived in California and only met her a couple times.
Did you have any pets? If so, what kind and what
were their names? Yes. Zorba was my first dog. Molly was my second dog. Did have a dog in
college but it was kind of a shared dog that we should have never gotten and
ended up giving her away. Her name was
Ashley. My fourth dog when I had a house
of my own was Billy. Currently we have
another dog named Bueller. I did have
several fish growing up but didn’t really name them.
20. What
world events had the most impact on you while you were growing up? Did any of
them personally affect your family? While
I was growing up it probably would have been the Vietnam War. Although I was fairly young and didn’t
realize it at the time, it had the “biggest” impact.
What was your favorite toy and why? This is easy. It was my Vertibird Air
Police Helicopter. Could play for hours
with it by myself, friend or brother.
Was also great for terrorizing the dog.
22. Did
you receive an allowance? How much? Did you save your money or spend it? I did have an allowance when I started
having chores. Hard to remember but it
started at about 25 cents and went up
from there. I did start outside lawn job
and a paper route by age 10 and don’t remember needing an allowance after
that. As for saving versus spending, I
did both. At first it was spend the
allowance but after I started making money on my own, I did a fair job at
saving some.
23. Any
trouble with the law? I was a little
reckless in my driving. I did get a few
tickets in my first few years of driving and had a couple accidents as
well. Glad to say that other than the
driving mishaps, I have had no other brushes with the law.
24. What
is your favorite memory of all time? Not
sure I can pick a favorite. I have some from each of the different phases of my
life and can’t really rank them.
5. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? Would have done better in college.
5. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? Would have done better in college.
What is your
full name? Joan Kelly Cohen
When are where were you born? Pleasant Hills, Pa
What is your earliest childhood memory?
Christmas with my brother, in matching outfits.
What kind of games did you play growing up?
Jacks, kick the can, basketball
What was your favorite thing to do for fun
(movies, beach, etc.)? Read - was a big
What school activities and sports did you
participate in? Pom-Poms
Who were your childhood heroes? Elizabeth Tudor,
Queen of England in late 1500
How is the world today different from what it
was like when you were a child? The technology is the biggest difference we did
not have cell phones, cable TV, internet etc.
Are there any physical characteristics that run
in your family? Green eyes, weight
Where and when did you get married? 1986 in
Houston, TX
What memory stands out the most from your
wedding day? The reception and having a good time with my friends
Why did you choose your children's names? I
wanted them to keep their Russian names so they would have something from their
birth moms. Patrick was the name of a
priest that helped us during a difficult time.
I am not sure where Kimberly came from.
What was your proudest moment as a parent? Pasha
in marching band. I knew group
activities was not his thing but he went out there and was fabulous.
What was your profession and how did you choose
it? Accountant and then executive. I
loved accounting from my first college class.
Executive chose me.
What accomplishments were you the most proud of?
Successfully selling a business in bad economic times.
Of all the things you learned from your parents,
which do you feel was the most valuable? To tell the truth.
Are there any special heirlooms, photos, bibles
or other memorabilia that have been passed down in your family? No.
Who was the oldest relative you remember as a
child? What do you remember about them? My grandfather. He came from Russia. He was very short and was always happy. I knocked down part of the garage pulling out
with him in the car and he would not let my dad yell at me.
Did you have any pets? If so, what kind and what
were their names? I had a parakeet named Osbourn.
What world events had the most impact on you
while you were growing up? Did any of them personally affect your family? Vietnam
What was your favorite toy and why? I had a
small stuffed poodle and I got it for “babysitting” my brother when I was 7 or
Did you receive an allowance? How much? Did you
save your money or spend it? I did not have an allowance but earned money. I saved some and spent some.
Any trouble with the law? Traffic tickets.
What is your favorite memory of all time? The
adoption of my children.
If you could change one thing in your life, What
would it be? I would be more athletic.
dear mom
i need to know more about the family history for a project in emerging technology. im required to have 2 interviews, two family trees and a few other things. if you would be so kind as to help me i would appreciate it. maybe you could tell me about baba and papa’s life earlier on and what they did for a living and all that. maybe you could describe more about greg when he was younger. i don’t really care what you say as long as i can get some history.
Pat Wallace
Pat Wallace
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